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Lâle Aksu

Lâle came to Canada from Germany in 2004. Her background in teaching stems from 17 years as an equestrian where she schooled young horses and taught children how to ride. Lâle grew up with an assortment of animals and her passion continues to grow.

Currently, she owns and trains 6 dogs. Two of them are Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers and four are Manchester Terriers. Not having the easiest breeds, Lâle feels that these dogs have taught her many things about training: e.g. Patience, kindness and Teamwork.

Lâle and her dog crew have achieved many successes in Obedience, Rally, Tracking, Nosework, Conformation and Agility. Here are some success of her dogs:

Eddie (MT) became National Champion in AAC Agility in 2015. He also placed 3rd and higher in other National and Regional Agility Competitions. He was the first Manchester to ATCHC and to receive his Lifetime Achievement Award.
Qiss (MT) is a double Tracking Champion – US and Canada – the only Manchester to achieve this!
Metric (MT) was invited to Westminster for 2018.
Lumen ( Toller) finishes as #1 Female and #4 Toller in the country for 2018.
Paris (Toller) is showing great promise for the working world and Showring. Her desire for Agility, Tracking and Nosework is inspiring.
Star (MT) is the best Napper on the couch ?
While Lâle loves dog training, she and her dogs also enjoy long walks, playing ball and having play dates with their doggy friends. In her professional life, Lâle is the operator of Time4Dogs Dog/Cat Boarding and works at TNT Kennels as their Rally obedience instructor. She is a CARO Rally judge and hosts most of the trials in the Lower Mainland.

“I believe that all dogs can achieve success with motivational training. My philosophy is based on positive reinforcement. I feel that the dog is better able to learn when treated kindly and with positive rewards.”

